Al Baraka Bank Mobile Banking

Al Baraka Bank Mobile Banking

Banking Reimagined: Al Baraka's Leap into Next-Gen Mobile Solutions

Banking Reimagined: Al Baraka's Leap into Next-Gen Mobile Solutions

Crafting a Unique, User-Centric Mobile Banking Experience
Crafting a Unique, User-Centric Mobile Banking Experience




My Role & Project Info
My Role & Project Info

My Role

UX & UI Designer

My Role

UX & UI Designer










2018 (3 Months)


2018 (3 Months)

Al Baraka Bank Mobile Banking

Banking Reimagined: Al Baraka's Leap into Next-Gen Mobile Solutions

Crafting a Unique, User-Centric Mobile Banking Experience




My Role & Project Info

My Role

UX & UI Designer






2018 (3 Months)

Key Impacts
25% Growth

In user adoption

25% Growth

In user adoption


The Best Islamic Digital Offering


The Best Islamic Digital Offering

Trnx. Volume


Trnx. Volume


25% Growth

In user adoption


The Best Islamic Digital Offering

Trnx. Volume



About The Project


About The Project


About The Project


About The Project
A concept for a next-gen mobile banking app with innovative features for Al Baraka Bank.

A next-generation mobile banking app for Al Baraka Bank, Bahrain, to deliver a smooth and advanced banking experience, incorporating innovative features uncommon in traditional mobile banking solutions.


The Problem


The Problem


The Problem


The Problem
To help the client pitch advanced banking solutions to stakeholders for future development.
To help the client pitch advanced banking solutions to stakeholders for future development.
To help the client pitch advanced banking solutions to stakeholders for future development.

To help the client propose a cutting-edge concept to stakeholders, showcasing the potential for an enhanced user experience and advanced functionalities, with the goal of securing approval for future development.

Key Challenges

Key Challenges

This project started as a concept to get stakeholder approval for the next steps, and I faced several challenges along the way. The key challenges were –

Lack of User Information

No access to user demographics or behavioral data, making it difficult to tailor the experience.

Lack of User Information

No access to user demographics or behavioral data, making it difficult to tailor the experience.

Lack of User Information

No access to user demographics or behavioral data, making it difficult to tailor the experience.

Lack of User Information

No access to user demographics or behavioral data, making it difficult to tailor the experience.

Unclear Requirements

The project lacked defined goals or clear direction, leading to ambiguity in the design process.

Unclear Requirements

The project lacked defined goals or clear direction, leading to ambiguity in the design process.

Unclear Requirements

The project lacked defined goals or clear direction, leading to ambiguity in the design process.

Unclear Requirements

The project lacked defined goals or clear direction, leading to ambiguity in the design process.

No Early Testing or Validation

No means to test prototypes or validate design decisions, increasing the risk of user dissatisfaction.

No Early Testing or Validation

No means to test prototypes or validate design decisions, increasing the risk of user dissatisfaction.

No Early Testing or Validation

No means to test prototypes or validate design decisions, increasing the risk of user dissatisfaction.

No Early Testing or Validation

No means to test prototypes or validate design decisions, increasing the risk of user dissatisfaction.

Limited Domain Experience

I personally had no prior experience designing a banking app, requiring additional research and industry insights.

Limited Domain Experience

I personally had no prior experience designing a banking app, requiring additional research and industry insights.

Limited Domain Experience

I personally had no prior experience designing a banking app, requiring additional research and industry insights.

Limited Domain Experience

I personally had no prior experience designing a banking app, requiring additional research and industry insights.

From a Concept to Reality

In 2022, this concept project was partially developed and launched in Al Baraka Bank's South Africa operations.

Launched in South Africa

Al Baraka Bank SA launched this app in 2022

Launched in South Africa

Al Baraka Bank SA launched this app in 2022

Launched in South Africa

Al Baraka Bank SA launched this app in 2022

Launched in South Africa

Al Baraka Bank SA launched this app in 2022

Best Islamic Offering Award

Honored with the Best Islamic Offering Award in 2022 by Islamic Finace New 2022.

Best Islamic Offering Award

Honored with the Best Islamic Offering Award in 2022 by Islamic Finace New 2022.

Best Islamic Offering Award

Honored with the Best Islamic Offering Award in 2022 by Islamic Finace New 2022.

Best Islamic Offering Award

Honored with the Best Islamic Offering Award in 2022 by Islamic Finace New 2022.


Validated as an innovative solution in the Islamic banking sector making real impact


Validated as an innovative solution in the Islamic banking sector making real impact


Validated as an innovative solution in the Islamic banking sector making real impact


Validated as an innovative solution in the Islamic banking sector making real impact

Freelance projects often don't provide the opportunity to follow up, test, validate, and iterate on designs, and this project was no exception—I concluded my involvement upon delivering the designs. However, driven by personal interest, I continued to monitor its progress post-delivery. While the execution didn't fully align with the vision, the launch served as an important step in bringing the idea to life.


The Process


The Process


The Process


The Process

Primary Research

Primary Research

To design a user-focused application, I first needed to uncover the challenges users faced, as I didn’t have prior data or access to a well-designed mobile banking app. Here’s the step-by-step approach I followed to understand their needs and craft a solution:


To understand what users want from a mobile banking app, I created a quick survey due to limited time and resources. I shared it with individuals matching the target demographic, and 100 participants responded, providing valuable insights.


To understand what users want from a mobile banking app, I created a quick survey due to limited time and resources. I shared it with individuals matching the target demographic, and 100 participants responded, providing valuable insights.


To understand what users want from a mobile banking app, I created a quick survey due to limited time and resources. I shared it with individuals matching the target demographic, and 100 participants responded, providing valuable insights.


To understand what users want from a mobile banking app, I created a quick survey due to limited time and resources. I shared it with individuals matching the target demographic, and 100 participants responded, providing valuable insights.

Online Survery Results. Participants could select as many as they wanted and also input their own features.

User Interviews

I conducted casual conversations with 10 participants to explore their frustrations and unmet needs with existing banking apps. While these interviews were undocumented and unstructured due to my lack of preparation at the time, they gave me clear insights into common pain points and desired features.

User Interviews

I conducted casual conversations with 10 participants to explore their frustrations and unmet needs with existing banking apps. While these interviews were undocumented and unstructured due to my lack of preparation at the time, they gave me clear insights into common pain points and desired features.

User Interviews

I conducted casual conversations with 10 participants to explore their frustrations and unmet needs with existing banking apps. While these interviews were undocumented and unstructured due to my lack of preparation at the time, they gave me clear insights into common pain points and desired features.

User Interviews

I conducted casual conversations with 10 participants to explore their frustrations and unmet needs with existing banking apps. While these interviews were undocumented and unstructured due to my lack of preparation at the time, they gave me clear insights into common pain points and desired features.

Secondary Research

Secondary Research

I researched available case studies and analyzed competitors’ apps to understand existing trends. Unfortunately, most banks at that time (2018) lacked user-friendly, high-quality mobile apps, leaving very few strong examples to draw from.

Some designs that inspired me. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Paint Point Analysis

Paint Point Analysis

Combining insights from research, I identified key pain points –

Complex Signup Processes

Some banks required purchasing hardware/software tokens for login.

Complex Signup Processes

Some banks required purchasing hardware/software tokens for login.

Complex Signup Processes

Some banks required purchasing hardware/software tokens for login.

Complex Signup Processes

Some banks required purchasing hardware/software tokens for login.

Limited Features

Many banking functions were missing in mobile apps.

Limited Features

Many banking functions were missing in mobile apps.

Limited Features

Many banking functions were missing in mobile apps.

Limited Features

Many banking functions were missing in mobile apps.

Excessive Friction

Security measures often disrupted user experience.

Excessive Friction

Security measures often disrupted user experience.

Excessive Friction

Security measures often disrupted user experience.

Excessive Friction

Security measures often disrupted user experience.

Overwhelming Numbers

Transactions or banking data was hard to scan or interpret.

Overwhelming Numbers

Transactions or banking data was hard to scan or interpret.

Overwhelming Numbers

Transactions or banking data was hard to scan or interpret.

Overwhelming Numbers

Transactions or banking data was hard to scan or interpret.

Poor Usability

Navigation was confusing and not user-friendly.

Poor Usability

Navigation was confusing and not user-friendly.

Poor Usability

Navigation was confusing and not user-friendly.

Poor Usability

Navigation was confusing and not user-friendly.

Slow Performance

Apps were sluggish, leading to frustration.

Slow Performance

Apps were sluggish, leading to frustration.

Slow Performance

Apps were sluggish, leading to frustration.

Slow Performance

Apps were sluggish, leading to frustration.


The Solution


The Solution


The Solution


The Solution

Design Overview

Design Overview
User Flows

Based on my research and identified pain points, I created a user flow.

User Flows

Based on my research and identified pain points, I created a user flow.

User Flows

Based on my research and identified pain points, I created a user flow.

User Flows

Based on my research and identified pain points, I created a user flow.

Wireframe Exploration

Created and explored multiple ideas through wireframes.

Wireframe Exploration

Created and explored multiple ideas through wireframes.

Wireframe Exploration

Created and explored multiple ideas through wireframes.

Wireframe Exploration

Created and explored multiple ideas through wireframes.

Why Hi-Fi? The client wanted to present the idea in the initial stage and get stakeholder approval first.

Stakeholder Collaboration

Presented wireframes to stakeholders, gathered feedback, and engaged in detailed discussions.

Stakeholder Collaboration

Presented wireframes to stakeholders, gathered feedback, and engaged in detailed discussions.

Stakeholder Collaboration

Presented wireframes to stakeholders, gathered feedback, and engaged in detailed discussions.

Stakeholder Collaboration

Presented wireframes to stakeholders, gathered feedback, and engaged in detailed discussions.

UI Design

UI Design

After finalizing the wireframes, we moved on to designing the user interface. Here’s a glimpse of the key features –

Key Features


All vital information at a glance

Balance Details

Balance at your fingertips!


Your transactions, transparent!


Plan ahead!

Bill Payment

Pay utility bills from your home

Send Money

Easy & fast fund transfer

Saving Plans

Save for your dream purchase!

Find ATMs

Where is the nearestt ATM?

AI Assistant

Your handy little AI Assistant!


Get the help you need


Multiply your idle funds!

Card Management

Manage and request cards

Beneficiary Management

Manage like contacts on your phone!


Request money fast & easy!

Key Features


All vital information at a glance

Balance Details

Balance at your fingertips!


Your transactions, transparent!


Plan ahead!

Bill Payment

Pay utility bills from your home

Send Money

Easy & fast fund transfer

Saving Plans

Save for your dream purchase!

Find ATMs

Where is the nearestt ATM?

AI Assistant

Your handy little AI Assistant!


Get the help you need


Multiply your idle funds!

Card Management

Manage and request cards

Beneficiary Management

Manage like contacts on your phone!


Request money fast & easy!

Key Features


All vital information at a glance

Balance Details

Balance at your fingertips!


Your transactions, transparent!


Plan ahead!

Bill Payment

Pay utility bills from your home

Send Money

Easy & fast fund transfer

Saving Plans

Save for your dream purchase!

Find ATMs

Where is the nearestt ATM?

AI Assistant

Your handy little AI Assistant!


Get the help you need


Multiply your idle funds!

Card Management

Manage and request cards

Beneficiary Management

Manage like contacts on your phone!


Request money fast & easy!


Balance Details



Bill Payment

Send Money

Saving Plans

Find ATMs

AI Assistant



Card Management

Beneficiary Management



Balance Details



Bill Payment

Send Money

Saving Plans

Find ATMs

AI Assistant



Card Management

Beneficiary Management


This UI Design followed Al Baraka's already existing Brand Guidelines, especially for logo and colors.
This UI Design followed Al Baraka's already existing Brand Guidelines, especially for logo and colors.
This UI Design followed Al Baraka's already existing Brand Guidelines, especially for logo and colors.

These animations were designed using Principle for Mac, showcasing just a few features of the app.

While I adhered closely to Al Baraka's Brand Guidelines for colors and logo usage, I made adjustments in other areas like typography. The original guidelines were primarily created for print media, so I adapted them to better suit the digital medium.

The project also involved a Brochure and a Landing Page design.


What's the outcome?


What's the outcome?


What's the outcome?


What's the outcome?

Key Impacts At A Glance

Key Impacts At A Glance
Key Impacts At A Glance
25% growth

In user adoption within a year

25% growth

In user adoption within a year

25% growth

In user adoption within a year

25% growth

In user adoption within a year

More Transactions

Transaction volume increased

More Transactions

Transaction volume increased

More Transactions

Transaction volume increased

More Transactions

Transaction volume increased

The Best Islamic Digital Offering Award

Won the Best Islamic Digital Offering 2022 award

The Best Islamic Digital Offering Award

Won the Best Islamic Digital Offering 2022 award

The Best Islamic Digital Offering Award

Won the Best Islamic Digital Offering 2022 award

The Best Islamic Digital Offering Award

Won the Best Islamic Digital Offering 2022 award

Project Outcomes

Project Outcomes
Comprehensive Conceptual Design

Delivered a detailed conceptual design, ready for stakeholder review and feedback.

Comprehensive Conceptual Design

Delivered a detailed conceptual design, ready for stakeholder review and feedback.

Comprehensive Conceptual Design

Delivered a detailed conceptual design, ready for stakeholder review and feedback.

Comprehensive Conceptual Design

Delivered a detailed conceptual design, ready for stakeholder review and feedback.

User-Centric Problem Solving

Addressed significant user pain points to enhance the mobile banking experience

User-Centric Problem Solving

Addressed significant user pain points to enhance the mobile banking experience

User-Centric Problem Solving

Addressed significant user pain points to enhance the mobile banking experience

User-Centric Problem Solving

Addressed significant user pain points to enhance the mobile banking experience


What Did I Learn From This Experience?


What Did I Learn From This Experience?


What Did I Learn From This Experience?


What Did I Learn From This Experience?

Key Learnings

Key Learnings
Key Learnings
Balance Visibility

Users need to see their current balance during transactions for better decision-making.

Balance Visibility

Users need to see their current balance during transactions for better decision-making.

Balance Visibility

Users need to see their current balance during transactions for better decision-making.

Balance Visibility

Users need to see their current balance during transactions for better decision-making.

HIG Compliance

Adhering to Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) and using native UI elements simplifies app development.

HIG Compliance

Adhering to Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) and using native UI elements simplifies app development.

HIG Compliance

Adhering to Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) and using native UI elements simplifies app development.

HIG Compliance

Adhering to Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) and using native UI elements simplifies app development.

Simplified Journeys

Simplified user journeys improve usability and user satisfaction.

Simplified Journeys

Simplified user journeys improve usability and user satisfaction.

Simplified Journeys

Simplified user journeys improve usability and user satisfaction.

Simplified Journeys

Simplified user journeys improve usability and user satisfaction.

Typography Matters

Typography plays a crucial role in financial apps; better font choices can enhance readability.

Typography Matters

Typography plays a crucial role in financial apps; better font choices can enhance readability.

Typography Matters

Typography plays a crucial role in financial apps; better font choices can enhance readability.

Typography Matters

Typography plays a crucial role in financial apps; better font choices can enhance readability.

Structured Interviews

Effective planning for structured interviews ensures more actionable insights.

Structured Interviews

Effective planning for structured interviews ensures more actionable insights.

Structured Interviews

Effective planning for structured interviews ensures more actionable insights.

Structured Interviews

Effective planning for structured interviews ensures more actionable insights.


The conceptual design served as a foundation for future explorations in FinTech and mobile banking solutions.
Tackling Ambiguity

My first foray into FinTech taught me how to handle ambiguous requirements effectively.

Tackling Ambiguity

My first foray into FinTech taught me how to handle ambiguous requirements effectively.

Tackling Ambiguity

My first foray into FinTech taught me how to handle ambiguous requirements effectively.

Tackling Ambiguity

My first foray into FinTech taught me how to handle ambiguous requirements effectively.

Foundation For FinTech

The conceptual design laid the foundation for future explorations in FinTech product design.

Foundation For FinTech

The conceptual design laid the foundation for future explorations in FinTech product design.

Foundation For FinTech

The conceptual design laid the foundation for future explorations in FinTech product design.

Foundation For FinTech

The conceptual design laid the foundation for future explorations in FinTech product design.

Love For FinTech

This project sparked my interest in FinTech and I fell in love with designing financial soltuions!

Love For FinTech

This project sparked my interest in FinTech and I fell in love with designing financial soltuions!

Love For FinTech

This project sparked my interest in FinTech and I fell in love with designing financial soltuions!

Love For FinTech

This project sparked my interest in FinTech and I fell in love with designing financial soltuions!

Personal Growth

Overall, this project helped me grow as a designer and prepared me for more complex, user-focused challenges in the future.

Personal Growth

Overall, this project helped me grow as a designer and prepared me for more complex, user-focused challenges in the future.

Personal Growth

Overall, this project helped me grow as a designer and prepared me for more complex, user-focused challenges in the future.

Personal Growth

Overall, this project helped me grow as a designer and prepared me for more complex, user-focused challenges in the future.








The End
The End
The End
The End

Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.

Paul Rand

American Art Director and Graphic Designer

Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.

Paul Rand

American Art Director and Graphic Designer

Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.

Paul Rand

American Art Director and Graphic Designer

Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.

Paul Rand

American Art Director and Graphic Designer

Portrait of Khalid Hasan Zibon